Monday, October 14, 2013

My Practice Quilt

Second, more complicated art quilt. LOVE THE RESULTS!

To help learn the skills of creating a photo inspired quilt, I decided to re-create a quilt from the book "Photo Inspired Quilts", by Leni Weiner. The quilt I chose to make was called "The Girl With the Pearl Earring". The quilt is based on a painting by artist Johann Vermeer.

Making the quilt involved creating a pattern, selecting the fabric, cutting out the fabric, gluing the fabric to a background, stitching the pieces in place and finishing with a batting and backing. The entire process was a lot of fun and very relaxing. It made me feel very creative and helped me to build my sewing skills. One thing I will have to be careful with in the future is not to pull the fabric. The other thing I will do is to choose my topstich fabrics carefully. I can't wait to design my original art quilt. 

While designing I will keep in mind that perfectionism kills creativity and that everything is a remix (heard on TED). 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fine Tuning My Project

Very first photo inspired art quilt

Over the last week, with the input from my Landmark classmates, I have fine tuned my intended project. Mostly what I have done was narrowed in on what I think is possible for me in the area of creativity and what my project is really about. 

What is possible is that through this project? What I have identified to be possible is a development of courage and freedom around the area of creativity. What I intend to do for my project is to be an extraordinary quilt artist that leaves people touched, moved and inspired. The name that I am giving to my project is: Daring to Create.

Now that I have the basics defined, my next step is to identify measurable results that will fulfill the project and fulfill either all or part of my intention.